25 September 2024

That House Rule Is Looking Better.

A while back I decided to change the damage of .40 S&W from 2d+2 pi+ to 2d pi+ because .40 S&W just didn't seem to outperform 9x19 or .45 at all.

Running the numbers for 10mm underscores my wisdom.

3d-1 pi+ of 10mm ACP ball will do 2-17 raw damage with an average of 9 which will become 3-26 points (avg 14) to the target's hit points.  Hollow points get upped to 3d-1(0.5) pi++ which takes the same raw damage to 2-32 points delivered (17 average).

As written, .40 S&W ball does 4-14 raw (avg 9) doing 6-21 (avg 13) once the bullet size mod is applied.  Hollow points up that to 2d+2(0.5) pi++ for 6-26 (avg 16).

As I've modified .40 S&W 2d pi+ does 2-12 raw (avg 7) with ball ammo delivering 3-18 (avg 10) after size mod.  Hollow points do 2d(0.5) pi++ for 2-22 (avg 12).  <-- This is identical to .45 ACP, which is how the ballistics gel and FBI testing looks.

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