15 August 2018

Fake News

- Fayette County deputies are investigating a string of thefts that included five car break-ins, one stolen motorcycle, and one high-dollar heist of Ramen Noodles.
Nearly $100,000 worth of Ramen Noodles was sitting in a large trailer parked at a Chevron store on Georgia Highway 85 north.
Deputies said the 53-foot trailer carrying the noodle freight was stolen between July 25 and August 1.
The sheriff said the trailer was secured at the time.  Source
 I do not believe that $100,000 worth of Ramen will fit in a single 53' trailer.

1 comment:

  1. A ramen noodle thief? Clearly we're dealing with a master criminal here! Today it's ramen, tomorrow the Crown Jewels of Britain!


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