07 May 2019


There was once a time when I thought that macaroni and cheese came from a box.

I learned better.

Something cool about home-made mac-n-cheese is it's versatile.

You can add lots of stuff to it and totally change the experience.

Tonight I added chicken and broccoli.

The Boy was finished with his helping before The Lovely Harvey even got hers to her plate.

I think this combination is a hit.


  1. Yep, it has been popular since the early 19th century.

    For those who want the "training wheels" version the Kraft Homestyle Deluxe/Cracker Barrel Oven Baked isn't that hard to do. Just be sure to mix in a bit of shredded cheese and bunch on top.

  2. And add crispy bacon, during the final stirring, just before serving. IS good :)

  3. Pulled pork with bbq sauce!


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