04 October 2019

Another Kind Of FUDD

The original Fudd is the person with the manually operated hunting rifle who cannot fathom the want for an AR or other black rifle.

Then there's the kind of Fudd who supports owning a gun and carrying a gun, as long as nobody knows they own, carry and shoot them.

Now I bump into the kind of Fudd who believes that licenses to carry are not only a good idea, but that the training and testing is already set too low.

Liberty is terrifying.

I heard about how there were slaves who, when freed, couldn't wrap their minds around the idea that they could just leave and do anything they wanted... except stay where they were and remain a slave.

I'm watching its psychological cousin at work.

"Constitutional carry?  You mean like Vermont?  Let just anyone carry a gun without first making sure they're responsible?  No training? No testing?  No licensing?"


"I don't think I can support that.  It's already too easy to get a carry permit."


  1. The word you are searching for isn't really "Fudd" it's "Vichy". They have made their peace with the occupation, and have become comfortable with it, to the point of not wanting any change to it.

  2. Campguards, Vichy, Quislings, Fudds, all different words for the same thing, Someone who is happy with and actively supporting the level of oppression that isn't affecting them.

    And they fight tooth and nail to not see the truth in front of them, falling back on the 'well, if you resist, they'll clamp down harder on the rest of us' defense.

    In reality, they can only fall back so far. They're like drunks or druggies, who haven't learned to not be drunks or druggies after waking up in the gutter or after the first OD. They're so addicted to the status quo, as piss-poor as it is, that they'll fight tooth and nail for their precious little segment of the world.

    Damn. They're Gollum. Seriously. They've got their 'Precious' and they'll bite all our fingers off to keep it. But if we break their 'Precious' the darkness over all of us will disappear. (Oh, God! Angus as Frodo! My brain, it hurts...)

    Yet they think we're the problem. Weird. Stockholm syndrome, eh?

  3. I'd rather debate a rabid anti-gunner than one of those FUDDS. They are more destructive to the cause of gun rights because they are the ones who will quickly concede to "compromises" in which they receive absolutely nothing in return for giving up their rights.


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