11 October 2019

Just Wait Until They Ban Plumbing

At least when near a million people in Florida lose power, it's because something damaged the lines, like a hurricane.

California leads the nation in idiocy, again.

One wonders if the wealthy denizens of the area have generators which let them ride out this stoppage in comfort while the little people suffer.

One also wonders if the emissions from those generators is better or worse than the power plant that's shut down while in fire prevention mode.

I watch a crew every year clear trees away from the line running in my back yard.  That's all it takes to prevent wind from hitting the lines and causing problems.  49 states call this normal maintenance.

One does not.

h/t Mike at Cold Fury


  1. The Power outages somehow just affect the "conservative" areas of the state. the Liberal enclaves still get power. Gotta punish the plebes you know.

    1. And from some reporting, only seems to affect the residential areas. Power is still on in lots of industrial complexes...

      Methinks I smell fuckery about this whole thing.


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