11 June 2020

Dear Police

Dear Thin Blue Line:

Did it ever occur to you that what's going on right now would have been a lot simpler to deal with if you'd just done some simple and easy reforms a while ago?

If you'd been more open about the processes?

If your unions had not been so apparently supportive of the worst of you?

If the "good apples" had spoken out against the "bad apples" instead of, at best, standing mute?

If you even gave half the appearance of working for your communities instead of entirely for yourselves?

In reality you aren't that bad at all.  But you suck ass at portraying yourselves as someone we want around when something happens on the margins.

Because you suck at this, you seem way worse than you are, and you and your unions steadfastly refused to let sunlight shine in so people could see you were working for them instead of against them.

You behaved like you had something to hide at every turn and now act surprised when people think you're hiding something from them.

Triple irony score because of the number of times you've used that trite, "if you have nothing to hide, you've nothing to worry about," line on we common, law-abiding citizens when we object to having YOU getting intrusive into OUR lives.

You helped make this mess.  I am happy to help you unmake it, but you're going to have to be the people I want you to be in return.

It won't be too hard, most of you want to be that person already.


  1. Police unions are like teacher unions. They are there to protect the worst ones from getting fired for cause.

    Get rid of government employee unions. There should be none in existence.

    I did read that a large city basically gave up their police service, passing the duties to the county sheriff, who was willing to hire almost every employee, after filling a 50 page form and having their previous IA history reviewed. Funny, all the officers that were causing problems in the city pd weren't hired by the sheriff. And funny business went down immensely.

    But the problem is most agencies that are corrupt as sin, such as Broward County Sheriff's Office under Scott Israel, are designed to be corrupt and to aid the local democratic party structure. That is the real problem.


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