01 June 2020


The new AC is already having a positive effect on the electric bill!

April's bill was $223.

May's is $161.

This is significant because we've had the thermostat at 74˚ instead of 76˚ and it's been hotter outside.

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to restoring life-support to Casa de McThag!

1 comment:

  1. Our May bill is lower than our April, but the fuel credit they took off the bill adds up to almost exactly the amount it's lower than the previous. It's like $143 in April and $115 in May with a $28 credit.

    OTOH, May's bill even being the same amount as April might be once in a lifetime. We replaced our AC at the start of March, but I don't think it got to 90 more than once all of May. And the next few days we're not supposed to get over 82.


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