26 October 2020

Cue The Cricket

The Lovely Harvey has a couple of work acquaintances on Facebook who're strong staunch rabid Biden supporters.

Viciously rabid supporters.

The kind of rabid where they advocate for violence by condoning others committing violence against the Hated Bad Orange Man®™.

Since the Hunter Biden laptop scandal...

It's been cat pictures and video game memes.

They've stopped talking about politics altogether.

I wonder if they've searched for, "can I change my early vote?".


  1. Reason #1 on why I hate 'Early Voting.' Because too much comes out through the final debates and in the last 3 weeks.

    If it hadn't been for Giuliani...

    And for some reason all the people who I normally have to listen to about OMB have also gone all crickets. Even the haranguers at the store (when I wear my 'Trump 2020' mask) just hang their heads almost in shame, while normal head-nodders are verbalizing "Nice Mask," "Go Trump!" and other openly non-leftist remarks in this leftist hell-hole of a city.

    Good times, good times...

    It's even more fun than watching the lefties twist their spines in non-Euclidean ways in order to justify smearing Sarah Palin.

  2. Appears that quite a few of folks are actually DOING that.


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