21 October 2020

Try Writing Constitutional Laws Chuck

It occurs to me that if Chuck, Dianne, and Nancy would restrict themselves to writing and passing laws which pass Constitutional muster, they'd be far less panicked by the idea that an Originalist judge is a vote he's going to lose away from being confirmed to The Supreme Court.

It's a problem the Democrats have, staying inside The Constitution.

I love their wild eyed terror that the court will be 5-4 in a few days.

I also have a problem with their characterization that the court is 6-3 once she's confirmed.

Roberts is not a conservative.  Damn little that W did was, like his dad.


  1. Roberts has always been a squishy judge, who acts all 'conservative' and 'originalist' when a clear majority of originalists win a verdict, but is quite willing to squish the other way to push far leftist 'interpretations' of laws that should never have ever been made (as they don't conform to the Constitution.)

    Would be nice if he leaves in the next 4 years, preferably in the next 2. Though he's not the oldest judge, with Breyer being the oldest followed by Thomas. And I can see Breyer trying to do a RBG 'run out the death clock' thingy if Trump wins and is followed by another American Party (what I call Trump's side of the Republican party) administration.

  2. And, yeah, I consider Roberts a jerk. Jerk stands for about a 3 paragraph rather nasty description of what I really think of that piece of dog squeeze.

  3. Hey Angus;

    I Echo Beans sentiment. When President Trump wins(hey I am optimistic), Judge Roberts and Thomas should step down especially if the GOP have a majority in the senate and allow President Trump to replace them with younger jurist, I wouldn't mind seeing Cruz up there.

  4. One of the "democrat" groups that's pushing Biden is openly saying they want to get rid of the constitution, or go to an unwritten constitution.

    Unwritten? That would be like those magic slates they had when we were kids; lift up the cover and the writing disappears. Whatever it says that you thought you were complying with goes away when they drag you into court.


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