14 October 2020


I am afraid, and that's what they want.

I don't like it.

The Democrats are teaching their fringe that being violent works.

They taught the early lessons with how they deal with Islam's violence.

It would appear that if you murder enough Americans, you can do anything you want as far as Leftist and Democrats are concerned.

I've occasionally wondered if being gentlemanly and law abiding is 180˚ the wrong way to do things.

I mean, where has it gotten us?

Another thing about this gentlemanly behavior is there's such a thing as a RINO.

We have Mavericks and Mittens who vote with the Democrats as much as they vote conservative.

We got two Pauls who, while often taking admirable and principled stands, undermine efforts to thwart Democrat agendas.

Who's are the DINOs?  Who are the people who vote conservative when their vote would cost the Democrats the vote.

The truth is Maverick, Mittens and both Pauls, had they been Democrats, would have been removed at the primary stage the next election after they fucked up a Democrat vote.

Republicans just don't punish their members who buck the party line.

And it costs us.

It gets us milquetoast candidates who don't want to do anything to reverse the damages done.

It gets us congress creatures who are afraid to stand up to the creeping socialism by cutting the purse strings.

It has members who cannot articulate that a smaller increase is not a cut.  That not funding something is not the same as making it illegal.  Those are simple concepts, but they don't even try to fight and explain, they just roll over.

I'm frankly sick of living in this hollow shell of the America I grew up in knowing that the criminal who attacks me will face no charges if there's a Democrat district attorney but I will be run through the ruinous Hell of "due process" for defending myself from them.

I am very sick at watching a handful of very rich people manipulating the system towards their own ends when we're all supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law.


  1. Yes, I know Maverick died and he's in the past tense.

  2. I used to wonder the same things, then I realized that the people who tend to run for office are folks who tend to think that government IS the solution. Or at least that government is capable of implementing the solution.

    I firmly believe party affiliation is less a product of ideology and more of geography. IOW, if you want to run for office in Texas, you better call yourself an R, likewise in New York, you better be a D if you expect to win an election. Thus we get a uniparty with views ranging from “Government is Good” all the way to “Government knows best!!!”

    Folks who want to limit the system don’t tend to run, and in the rare occasions when they do get elected, they’re kicked to the curb very quickly.

  3. I see this in how close votes are discussed in the media. It is always about which Republican is going to vote with the Democrats, never about D's voting with the R's.

  4. Just one more reason to 'like' term limits, it would FORCE a turnover and get rid of permanent politicians...

    1. Florida has term limits on the state congress critters.

      Yes, you get turnover.

      But you also get, when there's a supermajority of people who cannot run again who "vote their conscience" after crap like Sandy Hook.

      It's amazing how solid pro-gun politicians are anti-gun when they don't stand for reelection.

  5. The DNC uses it's party power not just on republicans, but on their own. Buck the DNC agenda? The party will find someone to run against you and remove all funding, and you'll lose your next election. Not to mention having all your staff threatened and attacked, your offices (outside of the Capital building) attacked, your family followed and scared.

    Because the DNC is the Borg Negative - You are assimilated or else.

    It's why the Left can and will field huge numbers of agitators and brown-shirts, while the right may get a group together for a few weeks but overall there's no cohesiveness. Not to mention any group of right-wingers that gets together, well, how many are government stooges or infiltrators?

  6. It's time to setup the gallows.


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