21 October 2020

Don't Laugh Until It's Happened To You

I have glued a gun to my hand.
I repaired a set of bakelite stocks with superglue on a Colt 1903 and some of the glue seeped out of the seam and to my palm.

It did not take a lot of effort to remove the gun, but it was stuck until I did.

It's the kind of thing, though, that makes you wonder what would happen if the cops had knocked on the door that exact moment and I'd accidentally used a lot more glue.

"Drop it!" wouldn't have worked even with the small amount that got me stuck to the grip.

I needed the other hand and some careful persuasion to not take off skin.  That took a couple of minutes of laughing at my predicament.


  1. Acetone. Always have acetone near you when supergluing. Having watched a crime-scene tech processing stuff in the forensic lab across from my desk and then stagger around with her hands glued to a small sheet of plexiglass and I couldn't help her because locked door and I didn't have a key.

    Why, yes, I laughed my ass off after I called someone with a key (who was at home, asleep, and grumpy.) To make matters worse, she had to pee so... yeah, my month was made watching that circus.

    Seriously. Acetone. And if the cops had shown up at that time, yeah, you'd be an Angus collander.

  2. There are a couple of movies that use that idea. IIRC there is a bank heist with lots of hostages. Robbers come in as painters in white full body protective gear and are only seen that way.

    Time to egress. Robbers for a couple of flash bangs and pop smoke. Hostages are herded out of the bank. But some of the hostages are made to look like bad guys because the have had the bad guys AKs duct taped to their hands.

    1. The one I was thinking of at the time was "FX".

    2. "FX" was the first thing I thought of as well, Mr. McThag. I'm delighted that someone else knows the classics.

      "And this is Krazy Glue. A thousand and one uses. Now, a thousand and two."

      ==Dwight Brown

  3. Not a gun, but a knife while gluing on stone scales. I've glued other stuff to my hands, too. Usually it's small stuff. Acetone is always handy.

    In the event of someone shouting "Drop it!", fall to your knees and beg to show them why you can't.

  4. One advantage, you no longer need a lanyard.


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