11 October 2020

Demonstrably Better

I don't cotton to racism.

I hold that if it's racist for a white person to do it, it's racist for a minority to do it.

I believe in equality.

But I don't believe in forced equality of outcome.

My bro, Newt, is definitely someone with "velcro hair and enhanced melanin" (his own description).

You can call him CENSORED all day long and he just giggles.  He doesn't care what he's called.  Insults and slurs don't phase him a bit.

There's others who match his physical description who'll fly into a blind rage if a white person sings along with a rap song.

This dichotomy dispels the underlying argument from OSU.

In essence, because white people are better at not overreacting to insults, it's OK for black people to fling racists slurs.

Yes, their assumption does boil down to white people are better than black people.

"You see, you can't expect them to behave like civilized people, they can't control their emotions like you and I.  Just like chillin's they are."

That's a core tenant of the antebellum South, it's the underlying structure of Jim Crow, it's the basis of Affirmative Action.
The real problem isn't black people are (fill in blank).
The problem is we're not holding them to the same standard as everyone else.
Have you noticed that your black friends who do adhere to that standard are just as successful as the white people around them?
I've certainly noticed, thanks to The Shitheel Saga, that white people who abandon these norms are also unsuccessful.
It's not racist.  It's culture.
And my culture is superior the ghetto, white trash and victim subcultures.

But to be equal, you have to pass the same tests I do.  Passing an easier test means that you aren't my equal.

Getting a bye on tossing about racial slurs means you aren't my equal because I'm expected to be civilized in the face of such hate, and you're not.

We can fix it.

It will take a lot more work from your side, because I'm already a member of my culture.  It's a welcoming culture to those who conform to its rather loose rules.

Join me.

Do it for your grandkids.


  1. Hey Angus;

    I have a friend of mime in my sons old scout troop who is black(yeah stereotypical) and he had married a women from Eastern Europe, well anyway, he was raised "British", had the accent and everything. We were shooting the crap and talking about the decay of society and the decline of societal norms, while the scouts were doing their thing and he commented, "You know, I am a Teacher, I teach advanced classes in the high school, and I have noticed something....I have several blacks in my class, they have anglo names....Steve, Henry...Betty ..What have you...Not tryvon, Jayquan, or non of that nonsense. I swear people want to hamstring their kids, they hang them with those made up names and it predestines the kids from birth what direction their life will go. You give the kid an anglo name, he or she will gravitate toward a certain type of people like them, you give them a thug or ghetto name, the kid will gravitate toward toward that group. It sounds funny, but I have been teaching for 10 years and that is what I have noticed." I was surprised by that revelations, I never thought of it that way.

  2. My wife and I call it "people who are XYZ" vs "XYZ people."

    As in, a person is Black (a descriptor of their racial makeup) or they are Black People (as in a descriptor of their culture.)

    Yeah, culture wars... The culture where it's not cool to overtly express excess emotions (mainstream white culture) vs the culture where it is a thing to overact about everything.

    What's that phrase? "When X people get angry, they burn down their own cities. When White People get angry, they burn down other people's cultures." There is some to a lot of truth in that statement.

  3. The problem is we're not holding them to the same standard as everyone else.

    I heard a talk from a black CIO of a smaller college. Obviously earned his position by merit. Said in his experience a black man had to perform 2-3 times better than a white to be considered equal to a white. First wife black, second wife white. Two sons, black and white. Described the sons as physically different but personality similar. Obviously a good parent and held both sons to equal expectations of maturity, self-control, achievement, etc.

    But the schools he worked at don't have equal standards for hiring, admission, or grading. Gee, if you were held to the same standards then everyone wouldn't continually need to see superior ability demonstrated on the spot to believe you're not a quota hire.

    Of course I couldn't ask that in the questions, because then it would have then turned from a sermon to a struggle session.

  4. Angus

    You have stated in few words exactly the issue at hand. The whole "affirmative action" philosophy has created the split in culture. I have personally met folks who reject the norms of society as being "racist" and not because there is any overt (or even hidden) real racism, but because their culture teaches them to reject "the white man's culture" and the societal norms that underpin the success of western European culture.

    Funny thing is, Japan, Korea and Taiwan adopting western ideals while preserving their historic culture, has elevated them to near the same level as ours, so there are concrete examples of how standards, expectations and hard work will do the same for almost any culture that takes this path to success.

    Then there is the resulting destruction of the family unit by the same "affirmative action" crowd thanks to LBJ and the misguided policies of the government, which as everyone should know, was simply a mechanism to keep a large segment of the former slave population voting "democrat" and "on the plantation", One can look up LBJ's own words if anyone doubts this.

    The U.S.A. accepted immigrants from every god fearing nation. Initially mostly European, later Asians, all of which assimilated. Then we created problems for ourselves by "un-assimilating" one group within our borders, then under 44, allowing massive entry of totally unassimilable group, namely mohammedans. Sorry if this last note offends anyone, but the truth is what it is. We are heading for internal strife in a generation or two simply based on non- assimilation and rejection of the constitution by an inflexible and unassimilable group with higher rate of birth than the rest of the population.

    Lastly there is the siren song of social justice (fabricated term with no meaning), which is a mechanism to allow a small group to dictate the lives of others for power and profit. This is also a centrifugal force as many immigrants (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras - looking at you) have zero understanding or appreciation of the Constitution and the history of the founding of our country. Without that understanding, they are easy prey to those who would seek iron fisted control over others.

    Like you cite elsewhere, no one wants that switch thrown other than those who do not understand the consequences.

    Stay cool and vote in person. Preferably to keep every D party member a private citizen outside of government.


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