02 October 2020

I'm So Old That...

I remember when the Democrats held the idea that someone could be Catholic and still hold a higher office in the US.

But then, I read history and I read about the controversy over John F Kennedy's religion and the idea that would be handing control of the US to the Pope.

I see that, as always, that only matters when it's a Democrat or liberal candidate and not a Republican or conservative one.

1 comment:

  1. Since 1960, the Democratic Party has been taken over by the "abortion ueber alles" crowd, and they've decided abortion is the one hill they'll stand and die on. Remember how they sneered at Sarah Palin for not aborting her Downs Syndrome baby when she found out that it would be Downs Syndrome? They're convinced that if their precious Roe vs. Wade is ever overturned by the courts, the next day we'll all be living in Gilead (hence their liking for dressing up in The Handmaid's Tale outfits, and their liking for that idiotic book.)

    I'm old enough to remember delivering the afternoon newspapers that announced Roe vs. Wade. I remember thinking "well, that's settled." Seldom in a long lifetime of making mistakes have I ever been so wrong. The court should have refused to hear it and left the thing up to the individual states.


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