20 October 2020

Reading Not Writing

Sorry I've been spotty about posting lately.

I'm still reading up on the Sioux and trying to manufacture a Neanderthal culture from whole cloth which can make a credible threat to the combined forces of said Sioux and a cavalry expedition.

I've been expending my political vitriol at Facebook because I've two friends there who seem tantalizingly close to taking the red pill.  They're genuinely surprised at some of the stuff I've shared because they've relied on the mainstream media and their liberal friends for information.

They've been disarmed by my telling them to, "look it up!" when they ask me if what I'm posting is true.

Apparently a true zealot would never send them off to do their own research unsupervised.

1 comment:

  1. Well, as to the Neanderthals, they're a hunter-gatherer culture that's not been swayed by the wonders of horses, so that means they can run long times, hide like little brown men, and since they don't use noisy weapons...

    As to red-pilling? Hope it works. The latest stuff re: The Biden Corruption Family is one of the reasons I really don't like early voting. Too much has come out in the last two weeks.

    Good luck on the conversion therapy. And asking someone to open their mind and think for themselves? That's blasphemous!


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