02 October 2020

It's Literally A Zoo

The Lovely Harvey took her mom and dad to our local zoo.

Pa had never been to a zoo in his life.

Harvey is currently looking at the membership rates at Lowry Park Zoo and finding that it brings free admission or 50% admission to zoos all over the nation.

Surprisingly, that includes the Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines.  I wonder if membership there gives a reciprocal free admission here.

It looks like the break-even point on an individual membership is about three visits.

The couple membership pays off in 2.5 visits on admission alone.

I am curious if admission being free will entice me to go more often than the once every 20 years I'm rocking at present.

I enjoy zoos.  I just take them for granite (geek reference) granted and never visit.

I think I need to visit the Killer Manatee exhibit.


  1. It's geos, not zoos, that people take for granite.

  2. If you can remember, ask about a senior rate for the In-Laws...He probably won't ask.


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