25 October 2020

Wanna Bet They Get Busted While Hunter Walks?

I read that the sex tapes contained on Hunter Biden's laptop are being released.

Reportedly, he refers to a girl he's having sex with as "Nattie."

The name of his, now, 16 year old niece.

In a video that is approximately two years old, making her 14 at the time of the filming.

Making the video child porn.

I have to wonder how many people have this video on their hard drive right now and don't make the connection to his underage niece and it being possession of child porn.


  1. And then there's the FBI who had the hard drives and sex tapes since before December 2019.

    Hmmm... Wonder why nothing happened.

    Oh, that's right! The Fibbies were too involved in an open coup against the sitting President!


  2. I use to own and run an ISP. We once got a "requested" from a government agency for information on one of our clients. I required them to turn the request into an order and limit or as much as possible.

    They were not very good at limiting "all logs for the months of x,y,z of dial in connections. By fax."

    I did send the logs by fax but was not willing to make it easy for them. Some 5000+pages before they have up.

    Later, different agency can't to is, told us they were trafficking kiddy porn, gave us the info we need to identify the client, have us the required paperwork and they had it all in a couple of hours.

    I spent the next week making sure that our servers were clean of any contaminating images.

    Dick wad, who is now in the special person for special animals, left some computer stuff with his with, some of which we were storing. I spent hours and found hundreds of hand labeled dvds that were turned over to the cops.

    Yeah, he deserved to be in the special prison. And no, I didn't examine the contents of his DVDs or disk drives. Not enough eyeball bleach in the world


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