25 October 2020

I Swear I Saw Most Of This At An Antifa Site

The socialist agitators are so amazingly un-self aware about how they echo Fucking Nazis it's not amusing at all.


  1. Well, the only difference between actual Antifa and Nazis back in the early 30's was the difference between international and national socialism. Which is the difference between a solid top or a lace top on a cherry pie. Still covers the pie, still made of dough, one just looks 'prettier' than the other (I'll leave which brand of socialism looks better up to the reader.)

    Considering the modern Antifa just used the ancient Antifa's symbols straight up, except translated the German to English, nothing surprises me any more.

    Both are valid targets.

    What's really funny is, if you listen to her, AOC is a Nazi. Rancid Tlaib and IlOmar are Internationalists. And they run in the same crowd.


    Shoot them all (nationals and internationals) as it's the only way to be sure...

  2. Hey Angus;

    Yeah Beans pretty much nailed the highpoints...LOL


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