06 December 2020

Bar Owner Attempts To Escape Kidnapping By Oath-Breaking Agents Of The State Enforcing Illegal And Tyrannical Order

It's starting.

A bar owner in Staten Island, New York has been arrested for assaulting an officer (with his car) enforcing Wu Ping Cough lock-down orders.

Things start small.

The cops are enforcing executive orders, not law here.

The governor of New York and the New York sheriff's department has forgotten whom they serve.

I've seen video of the crowd's reaction to this, it's not pro-police.

New York is rapidly reaching the "fuck this shit" confluence of the preference cascade.

It's not a place to be an oathbreaking tyrannical piece of shit.

1 comment:

  1. And this is how it's going to go down.

    The governor will use the power of his office to remove the liquor license and get the health department to shut it down. Using those two tools, they will shut off the power and water.

    It's just like... what Governor Whittmar did early on.

    Maybe this time the normies will realize what's going on and fight.


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