21 February 2022

Because They Always Have

Anyone who observes history is not surprised that the RCMP went all jack-boot and hoof-trample over actual peaceful protests.

Something the badge kissers constantly miss is the cops are far more The State than they are part of the community or fellow citizens.

When the choice between The State and citizen is presented, they always choose to remain part of The State.

This is a Rule 34 moment.

Beyond a few individuals, who did not affect the outcome even a little, there are no exceptions to the police backing a state which morphs from liberal democracy to totalitarian.


I've always taken the long view here and if The State is my enemy, then all of its agents must be looked at askance at all times.

That means no support for cops, teachers, mailmen, meter maids, etc.

They are, at best, fair weather friends and we rarely get them in fair weather.

1 comment:

  1. It isn't like Canada (or Australia or the UK) is a free country.

    Their politicians have $#!+ on their "charter" sooner, more and worse even than ours have our Constitution -- and that is not a minor statement.


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