03 February 2022

Implied Oral Consent

I was considering going to the local brewery this evening.

When I asked, I got the "well if you want to go, go."

I already know what that means.

Turns out I don't really want to go under those conditions.

The list of things I am unable to do is getting longer and I question my value to my family as I am presently all cost and zero benefit.


  1. I know exactly what you are talking about. I get a lot of that kind of yes means no. I will probably sound horrible and sexist... but at least in my experience... it's a woman thing. They often don't want to just come out and say what they mean. And they get really upset if I do.

    My recent health issues sort of have things in the same place as far as being over-protected as your crash appears to have. All I can say is I'm hoping things blow over for me, and I would hope it will for you as well.

    So anyway, I can't really do much more than commiserate. I hope that helps.

  2. I've been there since 2019. I know how you feel.

    1. You got married in 2019 and didn't tell us?

    2. No, I've been of no use and a burden to my brother since 2019. My investments went pfft and since then, I've been dependent on his bounty. Who would marry me, after all?

  3. On the other hand, she loves you enough to care. That matters a lot.

    Suck it up, buttercup. Better times are coming. Just heal, okay? That's a huge drain on your body and you don't need to fuck that drain up with booze AND time away from house. Have a beer or two, or a shot and relax at home.

    And heal. Get better. Don't cough or sneeze or fart really hard.

  4. And don't let Beans make you laugh.

    1. Laughing, hiccups, sneezing, farting, coughing, reaching for the remote, shitting (yes, if you gotta squeeze, that will hurt,) having the cat jump on you, having the dog jump on you, having small children jump on you, having lemurs jump on you (from "Dirty Jobs",) having monkeys destined for research jump on you (for a whole host of reasons) and just about anything that requires your 'core' to remain strong and stiff.

      Doomed you are if you manage to pull a back muscle at the same time. Doooomed.

  5. Beans is wise. Ohio Guy


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