15 February 2022

That's That Then

I've had it with Facebook.

Actually, it's had it with Facebook again.

I managed to shut it off and happily go on with my life for quite a while but got sucked back in.

I'm back to the fed up point and this time I think I will simply let it wither on the vine rather than deleting it.  That will save me a bunch of "where did you go?" conversations.

Everyone notices that you've deleted the account.  Nobody notices that you stopped logging in.


  1. don't do social media...if i had facebook i would just post pics of my daily shit...panzer guy...

  2. I got an invite to FB when there was about a million people on it, signed up & didn't go back for a couple of years till an old girlfriend wanted to be my friend. Deleted account & never looked back.


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