25 February 2022

Not Mutually Inclusive

I hear that Putin is calling the leadership of Ukraine "neo-nazi" and Zelenskyy is countering that his government cannot be neo-nazi because he's Jewish.

While that's a damn good defense against the charge of being a nazi, it's not air tight.

Nothing about National Socialism demands antisemitism.

It's entirely possible to be full on fascists without being antisemitic.

Italy did it, for example.

Antisemitism is a common feature of fascism, but not an integral part.

All that said, I have no idea if the accusation of nazism is true or not.

Considering the accuser, probably not.

Neither side in this is particularly saintly.

If we're going to be slinging comparisons to nazis, we need to point out that Hitler invaded a couple of places on the pretext of protecting German descended peoples living there.

Putin is explicitly doing that.

Pot, Kettle, similarly dark shades.


  1. Stalin forcefully removed or executed Jews in the Ukraine as kulaks when he was trying to starve the country in to acceptance of the collective farm. I think that predates Hitler's attempt at racial cleansing.

    1. I generally don't include Communism under the same umbrella as Fascism.

      Communists are anti-intellectual and that always includes the Jews even if they are not otherwise antisemitic.


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