22 February 2022

Speaking Of Open Source

Having spent a not inconsiderable sum on music at iTunes, I was reluctant to abandon a platform which played those songs.

Because Apple has been fairly proactive in getting the artists to agree to unlocking the DRM, most of the music is playable with Rhythmbox on Ubuntu.

Sadly, that's not all of my music.

Happily and sadly, Amazon is perfectly willing to sell me the missing songs in unrestricted mp3 format.  The sad part is buying the songs again.

There's a lot of music I've paid for multiple times.

Vinyl to cassette.

Cassette to CD.

CD to digital.

And now... digital to digital!

CDs lasted the shortest.

Vinyl is restricted to my childhood.  I don't think I even owned a record past the age of 12.

8-track was fewer than a dozen tapes and mostly because the stereo my mom bought had a player.

Cassettes were my mainstay for near 20 years.

CDs had just started to supplant the tapes when Napster hit.

Since then we've been getting our tuneage exclusively online.


  1. You came along late enough to not sink a bunch of money into eight-track tapes. Lucky you.

  2. Wife has been wondering what to do about the loss of iTunes, as she has a rather substantial library on her computer. Rather substantial. I will communicate your solution to her.

  3. you have an email on the site, i'll give you some tips...panzer guy


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