02 February 2022

Sucked All The Fun Out

The Lovely Harvey has gone all passive aggressive with the idea of a new hot-rod and only makes comments about safety.

Well, that pretty much takes anything made before 2006 off the table.

Cars you can get four people into and are still cool and qualify as hot rods made after 2006 are... well...

They just don't exist.

This project has officially been still born.

C'est la vie.


  1. Maserati Ghibi S, or BMW M5? Not cheap, but older models aren't stupid expensive. They're also not a Corvette....

    1. Not stupid expensive until you have to fix something.

      I was already disheartened at the complexity of The Precious.

  2. Don't want to make you vomit but a 2009 Pontiac G8 6.2/415HP with 6 speed would go fast or similar 2016/7 V8 impala same HP range.

  3. There are some nice sport utility vehicles that also handle like sports cars. Bonus is you can carry more guns and stuff.

    Just choose wisely. With your overall level of permanent injuries, down low in a regular sports car was going to be coming to an end soon anyways. Best get one with a seat at a decent down level.

    Seriously, there are some seriously powerful SUVs and SUTs and Crossovers and such out there.

    1. Jeep Cherokee Trackhawk maybe. I hear they're sporty. Probably not corvette sporty, but I would imagine still a lot of fun.

  4. If you have the money a Cadillac CTS-V fits 4 door 4 seat, hot rod and less unreasonable repair and parts costs. Alternatively a Dodge Charger or Chrysler 300 with the hotter engines has all the safety stuff but may miss the requirements for cool. Also consider a Hyundai Genesis V8, while it looks like an off brand Camry it does have 420hp

    1. JT has a normal CTS and it's just awful to work on with the V6 it was designed around. I cannot fathom how much worse parts access is with a shoe-horned V8.

      But a prime consideration is "cool" not just hot-rod.

      Nearly nothing trips the bar post '06.

    2. Is "go-fast" a prime consideration? I know it's a completely different car culture, but I've gotten into off roading in the past couple years. Still plenty of fun, an awesome community, and lots of wrenching as you build out your rig like you want. Just a thought, it's not everyone's cup of tea. But "go-fast" it ain't.


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