23 February 2022

Compliance Test

The Lovely Harvey is a senior-manager of the department that does the "this call may be monitored" stuff.

She regales me with stories of the stupidity her fellow employees do on monitored and recorded phone calls.

Car salesmen would listen to this shit and be horrified at the ethics on display to make a sale!

One of the departments in her company is being reorganized and an entire job title is being eliminated from on department.

There's opportunity to move laterally for most of them, and a chance to move up rather than be laid off.

The chance to move up means taking a "compliance test".

It's 20 questions concerning what's allowed and not allowed of the people on the phones.  16 of them are so fucking obvious that even I got them right.  The other four are part of the everyday work her company does, so any employee on the phones should be familiar with what the answers should be (and even I got two of them right).

You need to get 18 out of 20 correct and she says that it's commonplace for them to get fewer than 10.  (Remember, I managed 18 out of 20 without any training at all.)

Did I mention that everyone taking this test received training on the answers and receives periodic refresher training?

There's just no excuse for these people to not know the answers... yet...


  1. HAH, I spent 26 years working in a certain medical field and we had compliance tests every year. It was all done on line and the written materials for each section were presented first and you had to click through them to get through the test. In other words, even if you didn't know anything, all you had to do was read the materials and retain it for 5 minutes. You could fail the test twice (80% to pass) and then had to read the materials again before repeating the test.
    It was so simple that I would go sit with the testees and feed them the answers without reading the materials even in areas where I had no training or experience just because I could. When I retired there was panic and much failing of tests.
    Confidence in medicine is no widespread in the actual business.

  2. if they are younger, i can understand them all failing...they generations below us are morons...panzer guy...

    1. I've noticed that an awful lot of Millenials and GenZers don't seem to think that details matter... you know like spelling grammar, not making homophone errors... Following rules... etc. And sadly... they get away with it enough that most of the time it doesn't matter. Until it does. Then they are all butthurt and "OK Boomer"... Uh... Ever heard of GenX? No? OK Millennial.


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