02 February 2022

Well She's Right

Whoopie Goldberg says she was suspended from her gig at The View because of racism.

She is absolutely correct!

What she doesn't see is that SHE is the racist.


  1. Hey Angus;

    Of course not, As far as she is concerned, she represents the perpetual "Victim class", she can't be racist.

  2. Another benefit of her racism, if she'd been white and said that, she'd have been fired, dropped by her agent, have people in the street burning her movies and stuff.

    Double if she was a white male.

    Logarithmyically if she was a white straight conservative male.

    What's especially heinous about what she said is that she has a long history of extremely bad thinking and statements, like "It's not rape-rape, so it's okay." And other great ideas.

  3. for some reason beyond reason, left leaning libtard african americans believe (thanks to crt, 1619 project, and other bullshit lies/crap) that blacks can't be racist, that they can only be the target of racism...somewhere they forgot to look up the true meaning of racism...but facts seem to escape them 100% of the time...panzer guy...

    1. A lot of the tribal bullscat in sub-Saharan Africa is due to one tribe thinking the other tribe is not human like they (the first tribe) are. Literally see the other tribe as a different race of people.

      You see the same thing in East Asia. One group sees the others as less-than-human and of different races, but intermingleable, with the projeny of any cross breeding basically being dog-humans or cat-humans or pig-humans. And nobody thinks they're more superior and more entitled than the Han, as they still believe that whole "Middle Kingdom" thing (celestial kingdom being the land of the gods and such, and the lower kingdoms being full of animal-people hybrids and walking monkeys.)

      If that stuff isn't racism, then what is?


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