17 February 2022

How Do You Do That?

The upcoming series on Amazon that's supposed to be a prequel to The Lord of the Rings doesn't have the film rights to any of Tolkien's works set before The Hobbit.


How do you do that?

You pull it out of your ass while carefully avoiding anything actually published about the timeframe you're filming.

Never mind the all-in on minority casting.

I, for one, cannot WAIT for a remake of Chaka Zulu with diversity casting, or watching these fucks squirm when you insist that white people be inserted inappropriately into the story because otherwise they would be unrepresented.

Better yet, let's do a third telling of The Tuskeegee Airmen!

What do you mean they were historically all black?  You complained at the lack of minorities in 1917, which was historically all white.

Goose, have a taste of the gander's sauce.


  1. I've commented that an all-white-and-Asian Porgy and Bess would be interesting to put on, if only to watch people's little minds asplode.

  2. Well, if any 'all-white' unit was as heavily vetted and selected as the Tuskegee airmen, they'd have the same or better record. But you can't say that in 'polite' company...


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