09 February 2022

Oh Thank God!

After watching the end of Rogue One I am struck with the question:

Did the Rebel troops lining up in the corridor just before the airlock hatch blew feel relieved that it was just stormtroopers coming through and not Lord Vader?

I can picture a scene on board the star destroyer right before the Tantive IV was secured...

"My Lord, we're trained for this.  It's our job.  Can we, pretty please, handle the boarding?"

"Very well, Major..."


  1. Given that they apparently have complete control of gravity in the Star Wars universe, I've wondered what would happen if I knew Darth Vader was aboard my ship---and I cranked the artificial gravity on the deck I knew he was on up to 30 Gs or so.

    1. Star Wars has shown no control over gravity beyond an artificial gravity that gives 1g to the deck.

      Nothing like the Traveller grav-pong has been shown in on a screen. The books, especially the expanded universe are of dubious canon since the sequels started running.


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