16 July 2019

The Power Of Precognition

We've seen Jedi deflect blaster bolts as an attack.

I can think of two ways to run this...


Precognitive Parry just lets you parry the attack.

If you have Precognitive Parry at 18 or higher you can buy Precognitive Reflection (IQ/VH)

Making your roll lets you use Beam Weapons/TL12 (Force Sword) to send the shot at a target of your choosing.  No Acc... no aiming...  just a straight roll against skill with normal modifiers.

Example. Precog. Reflection 13, Force Sword 18, Beam Weapons/TL12 (Force Sword) 13.

Roll 13 or less to be allowed to try reflecting the bolt.
Roll 13 minus range modifiers to hit something with your bolt.


All out defense with precognitive parry allows you to reflect the shot at a specified target if you make a second Precognitive Parry roll after a successful defense roll.

Example.  Precog. Parry 13, Force Sword 18, Beam Weapons/TL12 (Force Sword) 13.

Roll 13 or less to be allowed to precognitively parry.
Roll 12 or less to parry the blaster.
Roll 13 or less to be allowed to reflect the bolt.
Roll 13 minus range modifiers to hit something with your bolt.

The second method is cheaper.  I think I prefer it.

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