23 December 2019

Derived Power

This will be some high-concept stuff for at least one reader.

Our government and its agent's powers are derived from The People.

These are things we have delegated to The State because we want them done collectively rather than individually.

It's the entirety of what Lincoln was saying at Gettysburg, "Government of the people, by the people and for the people."

Because the individual citizen is the sovereign power in our system of government, the government cannot be granted a power that the individual citizen does not possess.

I want you to note that word, "delegate" and further note that it is not a synonym of "surrender" or "abdicate".


Have a look at what your government agents get to do that is now forbidden to you.

Does your job net you a special parking place at another business?

Does your job net you a 50 state carry permit that's even good in NYFSC?  (Especially when it's safer to be cop than everyday citizen, look it up.)

Does your job let you do insider trading because you know what the new laws or regulations will be before they take place? (it's not just cops I'm ticked off about).

I don't buy into the "thin blue line" bullshit because the police are at the forefront of the usurpation of our just rights and bravery.

A cop is just another citizen, and should have no more rights than any other citizen.  They should not be elevated in any way over their fellow citizens as a group even if we honor them for individual achievement and bravery.

1 comment:

  1. They are supposed to be public servants. Servants of the People.

    They are not public masters, no matter what they think. And, unfortunately, there are too many government employees who do think they are better than us People.


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