24 December 2019

Reading Comprehension

I've made several posts explaining what it takes to successfully comment here and have your comment remain.

There's a little primer to read when you comment as well.

I am utterly astonished at the number of people who cannot follow simple instructions.

There's a couple of comments in the waste-bin that were excellent and intelligent commentary on the topic of my post which lacked the requisite signature I demand from an anonymous post.

You might also note that there's lots of published comments where they disagree with me.  Some most vehemently.

Those comments remain because they don't insult me, belittle me, insult or belittle another commenter and have signed their work.

You're far more likely to be moderated for failing to sign your work than disagreeing with me.

Aesop, whom I routinely disagree with, has successfully commented for Gubru's Sake!  He's also lost otherwise great comments for breaking the be polite rule.

It's often not the topic, its the tone.

If you don't like my rules you're free to find something else to do with your time.


  1. Angus, the first time I posted here, I knew nothing because I rarely post anywhere. You politely corrected me and I figured it out.
    Come on people, if y’all want to talk to the world through Angus’ blog, follow his rules or get your own web space.

  2. We only disagree at times on what constitutes the requisite politeness. :)

    But on your blog, your ruling on that point is the only one that matters, as is fitting.

    But on this current topic, I cannot for the life of me figure out how anyone could disagree with your original point that badges don't and oughtn't convey special privileges.

    On that, were are absolutely in lockstep.

    Maybe it would be healthy to employ badged and sworn officers like oil rig workers: 30 days on, and 30 days off.
    And when they were off, they were completely off, and had to comport themselves exactly like everyone else without a badge.
    No special favors, no special privileges.

    It would do a lot for them towards keeping it real, and remembering they're only doing a job in lieu of rounding up a posse, rather than getting to thinking that the sun shines out their bellybuttons, and that blueness somehow cancels out a multitude of felonies.


You are a guest here when you comment. This is my soapbox, not yours. Be polite. Inappropriate comments will be deleted without mention. Amnesty period is expired.

Do not go off on a tangent, stay with the topic of the post. If I can't tell what your point is in the first couple of sentences I'm flushing it.

If you're trying to comment anonymously: You can't. Log into your Google account.

If you can't comprehend this, don't comment; because I'm going to moderate and mock you for wasting your time.