30 December 2019

Say Something, I Fucking Dare You

Explain to me how this will get all of our rights crushed.

Go on.

Call them idiots.


  1. Yeah, about that... Or the Texas Church carry in what would normally be a 'gun-free zone.'

    Seems the wheels are coming off of the gun-fudmobile.

    But these guys are just gun-larpers. Probably can't get girls, live in their mom's basement, work at 7-11 like we've been told over and over again, dur-hur...

  2. Hey Angus;

    I have heard from several places that the pic is "fake", those magazines are illegal in New York due to the P.O.C. "NYSafe" laws that the commie pinko's put in place a couple of years ago. Until the slavish dedication to the democratic party is broken by the jewish members of the population. They are attacked by another group from the democratic voting bloc and somehow the attacks are Trumps fault and the media refuses to call out the democrats for covering for it. The attacks will get worse and more frequent.

    1. I've heard that compliance with SAFE has be extraordinarily low.

    2. Can you elaborate on where you heard it was fake?

      I've been trying to find people talking about it being fake, but all I've been bumping into is pondering about the repercussions of them flagrantly breaking NY law with the open carrying, "assault weapons", and normal capacity magazines


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