22 December 2019

No News Is Bad Muse

Just haven't had all that much to say of late.

One of the four friends who was going straight to voicemail resurfaced.

His phone was stolen when he set it down on a counter for a minute and walked away for another minute.

Fucking thieves are everywhere!  Don't let your guard down!

The other three are still MIA.


  1. Glad you got your friend back. Sucks when they disappear like that.

    As to your Muse, maybe between Virginia and the Impeachment Debacle, she (your muse) decided to go on an eggnog (heavy on the 'nog) binder and, after staggering down the street, making no sense whatsover, was picked up and taken to Washington, DC due to her being mistaken for SanFran Nan Pelosi.

    Which said people should have figured out within 5 minutes, tops, because even a drugged and drunk muse, even a dead and rotting muse, still makes more sense than SanFranNan...

    Eh. Give it a day or two and one of the anti-supposedly pro-gun bloggers will say something offensive and stupid like, oh, say, the one who says the Virginia 2A groups did it right all along over the years by not being offensive (completely missing the point that until the last 3 or so weeks, the main VA gun-rights group had a community profile of a misty vampire during a hurricane.)(hint, hint, you'll find M's wordings soon enough...)

  2. To paraphrase a thought from Office Space, I don't think I've been missed. I haven't been on Facebook much at all since the first of August and exactly one person has commented about it and exactly zero have tried to reach me. So, I guess I see how much I'm even a passing thought. Not that it surprises me, but it has been an interesting experiment. Guess I know how many would bother to show up to my funeral. Not that anyone would probably bother having one. If they noticed I was gone, which they probably wouldn't. I guess I don't even care anymore.

    1. I think that if you were more active on Facebook, we'd have noticed more...

      I took several years off Facebook once and there was hardly any hue and cry I was gone.


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