22 December 2019

Unneeded Waste Of A Space

The local Wal Mart has some formerly handicapped parking spots re-marked as "Reserved for our Law Enforcement Partners" with a flashing blue light on the sign.

Turns out these are actually used as cart returns, because they were full of carts where handicapped spots are kept clear.


Because the cops don't use parking spots, they pull up to the curb in the fire lane.

Judging from looking a many of the cops in the area, the reserved spot should be in the far corner.  They need the exercise.

I'm not cool with the constant, small, elevations of public servants above the people they're supposed to serve.

It's enough to make one shop elsewhere.


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  2. Yep. I took my wife to "The store-that-shall-not-be-named" the other day, because they were the only ones who had what she needed. One thing she needs is the handicapped space closer to the store. They were all full, but I saw a couple on the other aisle, so drove over to them and dang if they weren't those cop spaces you are talking about.

    So, no cops in those spaces, but a handicapped customer needs a space.

    I dropped her off in front of the door, then pulled over into the fire lane and waited for her.

  3. Hey! The fire lane is where LEOs actually park, so Walmart is really inconveniencing both LEOs AND the handicapped folks! :-/


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