28 December 2019

I Saw It On The Internet

So it must be true!


Here's the thing, Liberals, you keep saying it; but you never point to a specific falsehood.

Lord knows I've found numerous outright lies in the news, and I've blogged about them.

Especially when I finally figured out what Murry Gell-Mann amnesia was and stopped assuming the press magically knew fuck-all about something I had no competence in where they demonstrably didn't know fuck-all about anything I did have some competence with.

I don't believe it was Fox who tried to push a false narrative about GW Bush's military service.

FuzzyGeff notes that Fox has no equivalent to MSNBC's Al Sharpton and thus no talking head to instigated a riot which lead to the death of anyone.

It's particularly sad that the people who post this drivel are the same folks who accused me of anti-Semitism...  Not a picogram of self awareness among them.

1 comment:

  1. Always found it weird that the only network that tried for so long to be somewhat impartial and to not just be a hagiographic sycophant towards a certain political party must be the network of Eeeeeeviiiilll and fake reporting.

    So, what network did Dan Rather or Walter Cronkite work for? Who faked exploding gas tanks? What agency slipped debate questions to certain people in the 2016 election cycle?


    And, really, after the recent changes at Fox, they're starting to become as 'reliable' as all the other media. OAN seems to be the last great hope...(insert Bab5 music here...)


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