28 December 2019

It Starts With Trying

My departure from Facebook stems from, once again, being accused of being something I am not.


A long time friend posted a Bernie Sanders meme of "People say they won't vote for a Socialist Jew, but worship one every December."

I replied that The Bible was silent on economic systems and mentioned that Jesus might not actually be a Jew once He became The Messiah.

One of my friend's friends attacked me for being anti-Semitic for that.  He cited about ten Christian theological theories that state that Jesus is, in fact, a Jew.

I replied, "You going to even bother asking the Jews who gets to be Jewish?"

Because the idea that The Messiah is no longer one of them is a Jewish theological debate.

You see, to be a Jew is to be one of the chosen people of God and that is predicated on being a person.  The Messiah is the living embodiment of God, and thus not really a person anymore.  Much like angels aren't people, but are Holy.

It's a fringe theory, but it's a real one.  Ask your Rabbi!

I elaborated on this theory and this person decried that I was definitely anti-Semitic.

For expressing an idea that Jews were people?  Not just that they were people but to be Jewish you must be a person.

I must be the worst hater in history.


  1. I just got back on Farcebook. Maybe I should re think that move.
    anyway, It's my birthday, and just like most of the last 62 of them,it being the Christmas season and all, I'm ignored. The cat did bring me a nice fat vole just now, but wouldn't let me have it. At least there's a little Scotch left.

  2. Nope. It's not you.
    Some people you just can't talk to.

  3. Don't understand all the misplaced hate lately.

    Saying Bernie is a Jew is like saying Pelosi is a Catholic. So? I won't vote for either due to their supposed religious beliefs. I will vote depending on their political and economic beliefs.

    And, really, funny, but they'll attack Ivana Trump for converting to Judaism and her husband and her children for being Jewish, but that's not anti-semitism, right?

    Bah! Humbug! A pox on all their houses! And other famous phrases.

    Yeah, Facebook, never got on it, watched people get jammed up by it at work. And watching wife's creepy family try to stalk her over it.


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