26 December 2019

Is That Really All That Much?

Virginia Governor "Blackface" Northam signed a bill increasing the corrections budget by $250,000 to, "increase in the operating cost of adult correctional facilities resulting from the enactment” of Northam’s gun control measures.

That sounds like a lot of money until you consider that it costs, on average, $32,773.35 to house a prisoner for a year in Virginia.

This increase in funding will house fewer than 8 additional prisoners.

I think there's a disconnect between the funding anticipations and the level of noncompliance.

It says to me that they're not seriously planning on doing much active enforcement of the gun ban, but are going to take the "death of a thousand cuts" approach and nab people by the ones and twos as they're apprehended for other things.

Once again, they're playing the longer game.

OK, they do nothing about the existing supply of guns in Virginia, but they have managed to stagnate it because no manufacturer will be selling or distributing to Virginia under such a ban.

These laws prevent a current owner from taking someone shooting without a significant risk of being arrested for owning a now illegal gun, thus preventing the gun culture from propagating.

Of course, they might get a new legislature and governor next cycle and they might repeal these stupid laws.


I note that there as once a national "assault" weapon ban that Republicans rode a landslide election into power on the promise of its repeal... only to let it sit until it expired on its own.


  1. Note that the libtards are not allowing a sunset on gun control laws again. They never thought that the 1994 AWB would ever be allowed to sunset. They assumed that it would be easily extended. Most of them never saw the backlash after it was passed that resulted in them losing control of congress in the midterm elections after it. Nancy Pelosi won't make that mistake again. Not only will they never allow a sunset provision again, they will absolutely make sure that any oppressive laws they enact will be extremely difficult if not impossible to ever be repealed. That's why there is absolutely no room to allow any compromise with them. They simply can't be trusted.

  2. Hey Angus;

    Virginia is what happens when people stay home and not vote, enough conservatives didn't care and decided not to bother with it and the very blue counties around D.C and Richmond flipped the state because democrats are lemmings and vote as a block. I am concerned for Florida, between the apathy from conservatives and all the yankee transplants it is causing a demographic shift..

    1. I think Virginia was the same thing that gave us a Democrat controlled Congress with Obama. The voters, repeatedly, kept telling the Republicans "stop sending RINOs" and were ignored.

      The only way to be rid of a RINO in office is to let the Dem win, because the Republicans won't allow a primary challenge to a sitting member.

      Often they don't get the hint and send more RINO to the primaries to unseat the Democrat. Which the voters also, rightly, reject.

      This is the process of getting more Trump. The Republican party claims they don't want more Trump, but they keep up the process.

      My hometown hopes are buoyed by talking to recent transplants and they keep saying they're here to get away from the crap back there. They appear to understand that voting D is what fucked things up where they came from and are eager to not repeat it. Especially since that D habit means their retirement funds will be greatly reduced in value.

  3. Alternate theory:
    Gov. Blackface and TPTB aren't planning on taking prisoners.

    It has to be considered.


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