28 December 2019

Recurring Dream/Nightmare

It never fails to wake my ass up.

The dream runs with me going from bar to bar, getting smashed.

I am celebrating because I've made a deal that gets my family completely out of debt.

In return, I get beaten to death (in my drugged state) so the local crime syndicate gets a bloody corpse as a message to others.

The dream ends with me getting cold feet and them starting the beating anyway.


  1. Yikes!

    Mine is a Gotterdamerung-style piling up the evil at the door and going down swinging as they rend me and my wife. Usually wake up falling off the bed right before I hit the floor. Only happens about 1-2 times a week... nothing to worry about, nothing to fear here...

  2. Mine is our Blackhawk spinning in. And not getting a radio call.out before the crash sight is overrun by Taliban and my Beretta is constantly locked to the rear.

    1. Would it be better, or worse, to wake up and find yourself to be Meg Ryan and then waking up again?

  3. Nightmares will give me piece of mind.


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