05 December 2019

SMS Scharnhorst Located

Wreck claimed by Spain.

Light and fluffy article without much detail.


  1. So let me get this straight. An old Spanish wreck, full of treasure, in clearly international waters, still belongs to Spain, thus screwing the salvage company out of mega-millions (and Spain didn't sue and get control of everything until after the salvage company got out all the treasure.)

    But Spain can declare it owns the Scharnhorst? Shouldn't that ship belong, by Spain's previous actions, to Germany?


    But then again, I never have trusted Spain, and then they lost any respect they may have garnered with me when they caved to the terrorists in 2004-2005. Wimps. El Cid and the Aragons are so ashamed of y'all.

    1. Uh, it was a joke...

      Based on Spain claiming every treasure galley found in the Caribbean.

      Never mind that the Spain making the claim was not the same nation as who lost that ship.

      I'd have said no claims to pre-Franco stuff allowed.

      Never mind that the rulings just plain ignored, literally, centuries of salvage laws.

    2. Ah. Oops. Sometimes I am too literal or too unsubtle or far too obtuse to get the joke.

      But, in defense of some part of my brain, I remember the salvage issue from years ago, without prompting from the articles you listed above.

      And... well, even if I had opened the links...(yeah, commenting without opening the links, ya caught me) I still wouldn't have gotten the joke due to previously stated levels of obtusiveness. (My wife sometimes asks me, okay, often asks me if my brain is still working.)

      And, yeah, Spain sucks. And so did the court that ruled for Spain. Makes you wonder if someone was getting paid under the table. But what am I saying? A European court, possibly corrupt? Nooooo......

      Also, no claims to Franco era either. They (Spain) ditched his government and went with a pseudo constitutional monarchy kinda sorta.

      I like that thought. That means France can't claim anything earlier than 1958. Germany not earlier than 1945, Russia not earlier than 1989, China not earlier than 1945, Mexico not earlier than 1917 or 1995 (depending on their own constitution or when the actually started following their own constitution...) and on and on.

      Gee, by my reckoning, the USA is one of the longest lasting governments still running.

      Can't say that about any of the Asian nations as far as I can tell, or pretty much any European nation, either.

      Hmmm. I wonder how that would hold up in a court of law. "We claim this because X country that says it's theirs' wasn't in existence when a previous country using the same name lost it." Hmmmm.....

      Sure takes the wind out of La Raza, besides the fact that we paid Mexico (at that time) for all the land we seized from them way back during the Mex-Ami war.


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