09 December 2019

Economic Outlook

Florida made the top ten. (pdf warning)

Liberal shitholes and Vermont make up the bottom.


  1. I am assured by my yankee-leftist 'friends' that it has nothing to do with Florida being a no-income tax state.

    Of course, when I ask why they're living in Florida, no-income tax tends to be one of the top reasons, right up there with less crime, cleaner, no snow, no overly officious government.

    So what do they keep voting for here? More overly officious government.

    Some people just need to be slapped. Maybe slapped until I feel better.

  2. Our overriding problem in Florida is how to keep the people who voted those idjit policies into place in the bottom 25 states (and especially the bottom 10) from moving here and voting them in.

    1. From what we've seen from the Broward area, and Orlando, lately, they're already here and voting and forcing changes in our lives.

      Like all the anti-gun legislation that that rat-turd Scott signed into law after Parkland.


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