25 October 2020

Mail Order 1911

I needed a pistol for my Halloween costume.

It would be a faux pas to tote a real one at the party.

Amazon has Airsoft.

It's exactly the correct size and except for the 9.4 oz. total weight and the orange tip, it's very hard to tell from a real one.
The slide racks.
The hammer cocks and drops when you pull the trigger.
The safety works.
The grip safety works.
It even has a lanyard ring!

The slide stop is decorative and it doesn't disassemble.

I can definitely see how someone could get their dumb ass shot by the cops brandishing this thing.

I need it for one photo for the costume contest and I'll be done with it.


  1. I started work with a company and on the third of fourth day they had one of their airsoft battles. When they pulled one that looked like this 1911 out, with the orange tip covered in black sharpie I near freaked.

    I refused to play in thier mock battles and made it clear if they pointed those toys at me I would take a hammer to the toys.

    Every time I saw those guns come out, even if they were not pointed at me I felt threatened and had to fight the need to draw.

    Airsoft guns scare the crap out of me. The look to much like the task thing and I don't care if they have an orange tip.

  2. I got one of these Tanfoglio Witness 1911 Blowback BB Pistol and it works pretty well as an at home training pistol.

  3. I've got a motorized water pistol from roughly the late '80s/early '90s - longslide 1911, doublestack, with the {short) water magazine being removable for filling, in a ridiculous blue base/yellow/orange "splatter" pattern typical of the time. (Think it's a Laramie.)

    Other than being nearly all plastic and with all-molded-in controls other than the trigger, it's exactly the same feel and size as my (non-longslide) doublestack RIA.

    Welcome to Hosertown indeed.


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