01 February 2023

9M133 Kornet

Twilight: 2000 typically has a cut-off date for weapons with fielding dates after 1997 because Thanksgiving 1997 is when the war went nuclear.

Some weapons I've let past this cutoff because, had The Cold War continued, development would not have been retarded.

I like to think I did a good job predicting what would have continued development for the NATO nations, mostly because there's a lot more good information about their developments.

Like all the M60 tank upgrades that would likely have continued.

The AT-14 Spriggan (the Russians insist it's really called the 9M133 Kornet) is such a system which might have gotten finished sooner with the economic assumptions from T2K in play.

They started on it in 1988 and fielded in 1998, just past the cutoff...

Wikipedia has good enough information to make game stats.

Game stats don't have to be accurate, just realistic.

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