15 February 2023

Cuba Libre!

 It's been 125 years since USS Maine exploded and we blamed the Spanish for a coal bunker fired magazine explosion.

We can lay the blame at Hearst's feet.


  1. By all the history I've read, the Cuban people were better under us than under Spain. Then much better under themselves than under Spain. Now they'd be much better under Spain than under themselves.

    Sad to see how the wheel of history rolls on and on.

  2. "Civilize them with a Krag !" When you have finished hostilities with the domestic enemies and you need to fight someone (any one) but you are too lazy to take a slow boat way the hell over the horizon. Got this island right on the Florida coast - we can play beach volleyball when we're done !


  3. Nice Mills belt.

    Can we give Puerto Rico its independence back now, and revoke American citizenship for the imports?


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