22 February 2023

I Should Not Have Done That

Bloke on the Range has a video up talking about the litigation between GWACS Armory and KE Arms et al.

Someone said that Karl and Russell weren't given the opportunity to defend themselves in the Arfcom thread that got locked and got themselves banned with.

Au Contraire!

I read that damned thread.  And the other three they participated in.

While not the only parties guilty of moving the goalposts, they never did answer some of the direct questions put to them.

And I said so in the comments to Bloke's vid.

I got replied to.

If I am charitable, they asserted that Karl and Russel didn't need to reply to some of the accusatory "questions."

But those aren't the questions I was saying remained unanswered.

I pointed that out.

Hit send just as I realized...  It was a waste of time to engage there.

I don't think the person I was replying to cares.

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