28 February 2023

That's A Lot Of Hate

Scott Adams is in hot water for noticing something we're not supposed to notice.

In a Rasmussen poll some African Americans were asked, "Is it OK to be white?"

While 53% responded that it was...  26% said that it wasn't and 21% said they weren't sure.

Rasmussen is saying this represents how African Americans feel about white people with a ±3% margin of error.

So on the outside 23% of black people in America don't think it's OK to be white.

That's 10.3 million people who don't think it's OK to be white.

Almost 1 in 4 black people, demonstrably, hate white people.

Scott Adams said to get away from black people because, as a whole, they've become a hate group.

The numbers Rasmussen has published supports this conjecture.

Maybe there's more context, polls do a horrible job of actually getting people's true feelings about things.

But it's a data point that shouldn't be ignored just because the data is unpleasant.

By the way, the KKK has, maybe, 8 thousand members.  And I say maybe because it's rife with undercover agents trying to bust them.

The fucking Klan is considered a threat worth keeping full of undercover cops, but 10+ million people isn't?

The times sure be interestin' ain't they?


  1. Martin Luther King Jr. figured out in 1960 that a war where your skin is your uniform was a losing proposition for black America, which was the reason he advocated non-violence as a strategy: he could do simple math.

    Scott Adams is getting the Two Minutes Hate for Badthink, because if it spreads, all pretense of the 150-Plus-Year Experiment is over, and the choices are liable to devolve rapidly to:

    a) straighten up, fly right, and integrate within mainstream culture on its terms, not based on your sense of imaginary entitlement
    b) get yourself back to Africa, in haste, and not necessarily voluntarily
    c) we have a lovely gunny sack, and a fine plot picked out in Potter's Field for you and your fellow criminals

    The sooner the race baiters and straw bosses on the vote plantation realize Wakanda isn't a real place, the easier things get - for everyone concerned.

  2. The problem is, the fact that 23% control the narrative and white guilt and screw over the 53% who don't feel that way. And how many of the 21% who are unsure are afraid to give an honest opinion because they fear getting cancelled if they don't go along with the narrative that is being forced on society by the leftists right now?

    So... around 12% of Americans are "black"... And a big chunk of those people are more than 50% white genetically. But the leftists are bending over everyone to pander to 10.3 million out of over 300 million Americans.

    And it really isn't fair to Asians and Hispanics who are often getting the shaft in the name of "equity" programs more than white people are.

    But fairness has nothing to do with anything anymore. Neither does justice or equality of opportunity.

    Aesop's point about the violence today and that smart people like the Reverend Dr. knew it was a losing proposition is quite right. It is sad that so many have forgotten his wisdom and instead are promoting people like George Floyd as role models.

    1. Part of the problem is that the 53% who aren't condemning the 47% who are totally or partially anti-white are tacitly providing support.

      Just like all the coreligionists who don't condemn members of their religion who act all crazy and kill people.

      Tacitly in support of the crazy element.

      And by not condemning the evil, the evil is perpetuated.

  3. One of the things about the Klan... the left still gets all goopey about them. As you say, they are a small and insignificant organization these days. 8 thousand is probably a super high estimate. The real hate groups like SPLC and libtard infested agencies like the FBI greatly exaggerate their numbers because they have a vested interest in doing so. SPLC is trying to get donations from wealthy pinkos and the government is trying to justify big budgets to pay all those undercover would-be entrappers. The realty is that the few KKK that are real and committed to the cause are mostly old men or three toothed hillbillies who really aren't much of a threat to anyone. They can't even muster up a decent rally these days. And their numbers are greatly magnified by the Internet... but you have to wonder if most of the activity of them on-line isn't mainly driven by the LEO infiltrators. Even with all those under-cover aggitators trying to get the Klan to do something to bust them for, they can't seem to motivate much these days than hoaxes and the occasional lone-wolf attackers who often can't even directly be tied to the actual organizations.

  4. Adams spoke in the same terms as John Derbyshire did in his "The Talk: Non-Black Version," but far less skillfully. Derbyshire put it this way:

    A small cohort of blacks (€”in my experience, around five percent) €”is ferociously hostile to whites and will go to great lengths to inconvenience or harm us. A much larger cohort of blacks€” (around half) will go along passively if the five percent take leadership in some event. They will do this out of racial solidarity, the natural willingness of most human beings to be led, and a vague feeling that whites have it coming."


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