06 February 2023

What Does This Mean To You

Person 1:  I think pedophilia is wrong and events meant to encourage children into thinking that it isn't is likewise wrong.

Person 2, responding to person 1: You are a homophobic bigot and hate everyone LGBTQ!

It seems to me that person 1 didn't make such a broad statement, but that person 2 might associate the entire LGBTQ spectrum with pedos.

That, my friends, is what we call a tell.

Especially since there's a lot of LGBTQ people out there saying, "I'm not with them!"

Homosexual ≠ Pedophile.

Even if most pedophiles are also homosexuals they are not the same and being a homosexual is not a good indication of being a pedophile.

If recent rumors about the dancing monkeys is correct, there are far more straight pedophiles than gay; it's that our sample selections were biased to the population not protected by Hollywood money.


  1. Vlad the Impaler might have an opinion on how to reform them.

  2. All homosexuals are not pedophiles, just like all police are not jack-booted thugs.
    But when you refuse to self-police your own group's obvious problem children, people who can't tell wheat from weeds are inclined to use torches on the whole field to solve the quandary.
    When enough people think the lemon is worth the squeeze, you get boxcars and gas showers.
    Not apologizing for that reaction, but it's definitely a thing, and it does work, for some values of that word.

    For what you would call some people's Imaginary Friend version of that reaction, cf. Sodom and Gomorrah, and Noah's Flood.
    So there's quite a historical pedigree to the reaction.

    1. The LGBTQ community fractured HARD as they started getting some of the dream items on the bucket list.

      A gigantic portion of them took their marriage license and went home.

      That left the crazies in charge with the keys and the engine running.

      They're starting to regret declaring victory and going home to enjoy it because the crazies are out there speaking for them.

      And that brings us to what you're talking about, "kill them all and let God sort it out."

      LGBTQ are not the only minority group trying for the genocide by western civ prize either.

  3. "Especially since there's a lot of LGBTQ people out there saying, "I'm not with them!"

    Homosexual ≠ Pedophile."

    See, for example, how the group "Gays Against Groomers" has almost been entirely cancelled.

    1. Is that just because of objections to the term "Groomer" and it being associated with or used by some anti-gay people?


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