17 February 2023

Let's Be "Racist"

The more I dig into the problem, the more convinced I am that much of "racism" is conflict of culture and not any actual failing of any particular string of genes.

Are blacks stupid?  Are whites smart?

Probably not.

But to make a bad analogy:  How far are you going to get using Apple Basic to program an IBM?

It's not going to work.

Western Civilization is a framework of values.  Use that framework and you're guaranteed a level of success and comfort within it.

Perhaps not great wealth, but you will not starve.

There are some cultures which cannot work within that framework.

There are some which almost work within it.

Because Western Civ is a culture of education and science, it tends to accumulate wealth and advance technology.

That wealth has allowed some "almost" cultures to exist within it.  It's propped up more than a couple non compatible cultures too.

The people in these cultures are currently successful in spite of their native culture, not because of it, thanks to the largess generated by The West.

The problem is they think they are successful because they've been told all cultures are equivalent.

The gigantic problem is that all cultures are not equivalent.

It didn't used to be a problem.

Once upon a time there was a vast, and brutal, education program running in America which took people from other cultures and got them up to speed with Western Civ.

It was called "The Melting Pot."

If you ask a teacher today, they will describe something sitting on a stove making a stew-like mixture.

That wasn't the original meaning.

It was a crucible.

The good from the outside culture was burned out and absorbed into the, stronger, alloy of American culture.  The bad, the slag, was discarded.

Our long, festering, issue in America is and has been actively preventing black people from assimilating into American culture.

This is where there's genuine racism.

But you didn't need to be a racist to see that a slave assimilated into western culture wouldn't be a good manual laborer.

But!  BUT!  BUT!  Western civilization, with its idealism and embracing of freedom and liberty had slowly been coming to the idea that slavery is wrong.

What better way to convince yourself that it was still OK to keep that peculiar institution going than to promote the idea that the slaves were incapable of being equal members of American civilization?

An idea promoted so well that the very people most oppressed by the concept have bought into it so fully I despair at the task of fixing that lie.

The idea that it's their genes and not the subculture is something that creeps into, otherwise, rational people's thoughts.


Because membership in this subculture requires one to be of the no longer enslaved race.

How does this subculture react to its members coming to the same conclusion as I have?  It curses them and tries to drag them back in, like crabs in a cookpot keeping others from escaping if they are doomed.

It's ingrained.

The good news is that it wouldn't take but two generations to unfuck.

BUT! (again with the buts)

We have to decide to fire up the melting pot and let it work its brutal magic.  And make no mistake, it will be brutal.

At the end, though, we could have black skin have no more meaning than having auburn hair or green eyes.

We've come so very close more than once.

Every time it's been actively sabotaged by "people" with strong incentives to keep the status quo.  People who have convinced themselves that blacks are incapable of being full members of society because of genetic failings.  Gee, that sounds familiar, Mr Crow!

While we're on the topic of bigotry and why I think that the concept has merit:

Italians, Irish and Catholics.

They were subjected to as bad (some even say worse) discrimination and abuse than any free-black person endured.  In some cases, being Irish was worse than being a black slave.  A slave, being property, had some value to their owner.  Irish laborers were considered disposable.  If one were to die, you'd shrug and get two more off the dock.  YOU DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO PAY FOR THEM!!!

But the Irish went from filthy Micks to identifiable surname in about two generations.


Italians, same thing.

Catholicism took JFK to assimilate, but that had more to do with the idea of obeying The Pope than a real hatred.  Americans used to be distrustful of someone who had extra-territorial allegiances.

We know, in our hearts, that it's possible.

PS: Reading the history of a couple of places in Africa convinces me even more that it's a culture issue than anything else.  Rhodesia might be another example of where it was actively prevented from happening.  The white government repeatedly stated that the black population was "not ready" for full enfranchisement.  That they lacked the education to handle the responsibility of the vote.

Well, Zimbabwe kind of underscores what they said would happen if majority rule was implemented before such education was disseminated.  But, then, Communists never did value education when there was a population to subjugate.


  1. Not just Mr. Crow but Mr. Race Baiter has been hard at work holding the brother down for his own enrichment.
    The ones who call themselves Reverend come to mind though I refuse to call them that.
    After seeing the grade school incident the other day I think heating up the crucible would be less brutal than what is coming.

  2. There was a really good paper by Ralph Peters: https://press.armywarcollege.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1867&context=parameters where he goes into great detail on a very similar subject... Some of it dated as it was pre-9/11 but a lot of it still quite relevant...

  3. Too many people have not wanted to face up to the reality that life isn't fair, life isn't easy and it never will be and never can be. Everything involves making hard decisions and living with the outcomes. Everything requires hard work and even with equality of opportunity and equal amounts of work the equity of the outcome is not guaranteed. Sometimes intelligence of the individual (which varies, contrary to popular thinking in some circles, not by race, just by some people are smarter than others) and something just plain luck... being at the right place at the right time, meeting or knowing the right people, etc., all matter. Forcing equality of outcome can only be done by taking from those who succeed and giving to those who don't, regardless of the reasons. That rarely works either, because it makes the successful want to cheat and not share or even worse to not bother, and the unsuccessful to just wait with their hand out and not make an effort.

  4. Good post! I’ve come to believe that it was Johnson (D) and the whole welfare bundle that screwed up black culture. I have friends who rejected ghetto/thug culture and accepted Western culture. All they’ve rejected was the gangster part of Black culture. I grew up believing this is the way. My dad, who was not an enlightened man, explained that our country was strong because it was like a rope, made from many strands.

  5. growing up, I remember watching Schoolhouse Rock's ''The Great American Melting Pot''. -JKing

  6. There is and has been some amount of "Da Man Been Keeping Us Down".

    But even stronger is them keeping themselves down.
    And the Larry Elders and Thomas Sowells and Denzel Washingtons will be the first ones to call it out.
    Before his personal character failings made him anathema, Dr. Bill Cosby said the said thing, and was castigated by black people for being an "Oreo": Black on the outside, white on the inside.

    Black kids do it to each other now, if they don't sound like an ebonics tape when they talk.
    They get accused of "being white" for studying hard and passing tests and trying to succeed within cultural norms.
    They've had 300 years to assimilate. Now, if you try to get that to happen, there'll be race riots.
    Cut off the EBT protection money used to keep them poor, and living on the vote plantation, and cities will burn.
    And "reverend" and "Mohamed" that will be leading the charge.

    That ain't Da Man keeping them down.
    They're doing a great job of that, all by themselves.

    What they need to decide is if they want to stay here and assimilate, or else get on the boat and go back.
    "Reparations" that shut off the public teat and made the latter a voluntary choice would increase the average IQ of both continents.


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