28 February 2023

Waco D+ 30 years

30 years ago agents of the ATF decided it'd be a good idea to assault David Koresh's place near Waco, Texas.

It did not go as scripted as "plan" reverted to its primary definition, "a list of things that doesn't happen."

It ended in a fire and many deaths.

The date of that fire led to more deaths two years later when the Alfred P Murrah federal building was truck-bombed by Timothy McVeigh.

To this day there are questions unanswered about the 28Feb93 raid.  There is speculation that spins into tinfoil hat conspiracy land...

But after Wu Ping Cough, conspiracies are sounding a lot more reasonable than they did thirty years ago.


  1. Wow, had not realized it was 30 years... Makes sense now that you put the date down, but I was still in exile playing Army at that time so did not have access to real news coverage... Well, and of course it was "pre-Internet" as well, but... Not REALLY near Waco, but even in this part of TX a whole lot of folks are pretty touchy about that subject and I suspect that a repeat of that sort of raid would draw a whole lot more scrutiny at the very least... And yeah, what was back then a wild conspiracy theory is closer to "proven fact" these days... Strange times we live in II suppose, good luck out there!

  2. The underlying problem is that beneath it all, the ruling class of Democrats are really Stalinsts/Maoists. A lot of them deny it, but one of the weird things out of the 20th century is it turns out that the often reviled Joe McCarthy was actually right all along.

    Part of that is this recurrent theme with them that white, middle class, conservative men are the root of all evil in this country. We're the "greatest thereat to 'democracy' where democracy is pronounced like 'socialism' or 'communism'.

    The Clintonistas had to do something to prove that "Christian Conservatives" were bad, and David Koresh, who was admittedly kind of a kook, was supposed to be the fall guy. The plan was to swoop in, make a big public show of arresting him and have a circus trial where he'd be lambasted and made an example of and go down on a bunch of trumped up charges.

    But like so many things that those jack booted thugs at BATFE are involved in, it turned out to be a bungled up mess. And Janet Reno and the Clintons came out of it with egg on their face. And ultimately not only did Koresh end up being a martyr for the few real nutbags like McVeigh, almost none of the charges against anyone else ended up sticking anyway.

    This wasn't the only time that the pinko Clintons botched things up trying to do basically the same thing... Tim Weaver/Ruby Ridge and a number of other incidents show a pattern of the same behavior.

    The truth is that left wingers like Antifa, BLM, etc., are really the greatest threat to democracy. They make no attempts at trying to hide anymore that they want to replace the US government with one modeled after some combination of the old Soviet system and the CCP. That's the end game the left wants.

    The other truth is that the few far right people they talk about... the McVeighs, the Eric Rudolphs -- they are tiny in number. They get a lot of press, but they aren't really that significant or organized, they are mostly loners acting by themselves. The KKK and the neo-Nazis that hate groups like the SPLC claim are growing (so they can solicit donations from wealthy pinkos) are actually probably at the smallest numbers relative to the general population they ever have been. The left are chasing ghosts. And moving the markers. Basically anyone who has politics that are to the right of Chairman Mao is a dangerous right wing nut to them. They're so far to the left that the center looks right wing to them.

    So maybe that might sound tinfoil hat to a lot of people... I've been saying the same things for years. But I don't think so much anymore.

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  4. I have heard that Mount Carmel was partly intended to draw public attention away from "racism" in the ATF, and partly intended as a dress rehearsal for taking down New Vrindaban in WV. New Vrindaban was/is a Hare Krishna community, where a lot of hinky things were going on...including murders.


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