14 February 2023

Based On Data

The local news has an article that says that Ukraine is killing 1,000 Russian soldiers a day.

Well shit!  All they need now is a deck of cards to wait for Russia to run out of soldiers.

But then... the weasel words.

Non-Ukrainian intel groups using data provided by Ukraine...

I guess Ukraine has no reason to give false or misleading data, do they?

Based on data provided by The Abode of McThag; Angus McThag has mutually satisfactory sex with two super-models every day.  He does this after polishing his extensive Faberge egg collection.

See how that works?

Call me skeptical.

I don't think we're getting honest data from either side here.


  1. can I have an egg or two if you don't need them?... panzer guy

  2. Of course we're not.
    The first casualty in war is Truth.
    I assume both sides lie, reflexively.

    But the people who keep expecting some 1980s NATO-nightmare omnipotent and all-competent Leviathan to heave itself up and lay waste to the Ukraine have been smoking some serious sh*t.

    And the Russian people of 1941 are not the Russian people of 2023. The hardasses over there are either 100 years old, or dead long since. A lot happens to a military that hasn't won a real war in 80 years.

    All that's left now is the denouement.

  3. Good point. In this war, the Ukrainians are the (relatively) good guys - that certainly doesn't mean angels!
    I will certainly accept that they have killed over 1,000 Russians in A day, but I'm skeptical they are doing that EVERY day.
    Don't forget that many times injuries and dead are lumped together into Casualties, which others, later, assume means dead without checking if it actually does. I CAN believe that 1,000 Russians (or more) are killed OR injured every day, especially since it is winter there and I doubt Russian cold weather gear is any better or more common than the rest of their equipment! (and Ukraine doesn't even have to do anything to run up the score there!)


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