10 February 2023

Consider The Source

Seymour Hersh has an article that claims that the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline.

Mr Hersh does not have a good track record of getting things correct, and hasn't gotten one right since he reported on the My Lai massacre.

To me, though, the thing that says it was simple Russian incompetence that caused the problem is how the Russians have been behaving about it.

Mr Putin is not screaming bloody murder about the US Navy at every turn.

Suspiciously silent is a good way to put it.


  1. Do you scream threats against someone you have realistic plans to destroy?

    I had to be nice to one person for almost a year before my vengeance. But it was worth the wait as everybody looked at the last two people he had attacked and offended.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

    1. Putin did for years about Ukraine. We're talking about someone specific here.

      It hasn't been his style to shut the fuck up.

  2. So who has a good track record about what is happening in this war? I,d say Hirsh is more credible than any MSM/LSM source.

    1. Hersh _*IS*_ MSM/LSM. His single accomplishment was to report on the My Lai massacre and hasn't nailed a scoop since. I think he happened to report on a stopped clock when it coincided with the correct time and he's been trying to make that match again for the past 60 years.

      I know there's a strong "I want this to be true!" motive in believing him, but there's nothing but that and his Tom Clancy story here.

    2. Ah, the My Lai massacre. Or was it? Lots of evidence that snipers and supplies were in the village. Lots of evidence that the people in the village supported the Viet Cong. Lots of evidence that the troop that did the massacre was taking constant fire for days from turds from the village and it wasn't until a very popular sergeant got waxed that everyone lost it.

      How was this any different from doing a thunder run through a village and blowing up every building and shooting anything that moved? Those weren't massacres, were they?

      Bad reporting and a MSM-caused stink is what got this labeled as a massacre.

      Trust me, had to sit through 16 hours of 'what is a legal order' that was based around the MLM and even the instructor could not answer my questions regarding the above. And one of the old Vietnam-era guys said, yeah, not a massacre except in the eyes of the reporters and commie sympathizers.

  3. A while ago, LawDog published a post that had some seriously good questions and possible answers about said pipeline kablooey. Which made much more sense than 'durhur seeecret operation by Seals/Norway/Israel/Russians, durhur.' Letting a pipeline sit for 6-12 months inactive and then not follow proper proceedures to reactivate the pipeline, which is made up of 50% German pipe (very good quality, supposedly, but then look at their planes, rifles, tanks, all which need complete rebuilds by buyers before they work...) and 50% Russian stuff (which, as we've seen, is, ah, er, not the primo stuff. ERA blocks stuffed with cardboard, good military equipment sold on the black market while troops are issued rotten dreck, etc, yada yada.)

    And... what Angus said. The Russians have always been one to cry "Wolf" loudest except when they step on their own reproductive members, and then you can tell what's been going on by who accidentally fell out of a window 47 times or committed suicide by being shot with a machine gun in the back or other accidents or suicides.

    Russia is a paranoid, angry and somewhat incompetent nation. Where drunk living is an actual thing. Where the phrase "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us" originated.

    Look at the last 4 years of Russia-In-Space. Incompetent people drill holes in space hardware and plug the hole with putty or chewing gum. Ramming the ISS not once, but twice. Losing pressurization on critical Russian equipment, not once but twice.

    And that's Russian space hardware, which is supposed to be checked and rechecked and re-rechecked because people actually ride in the stuff. (And one of the takeaways from when Bob and Doug rode SpaceX's Dragon for the first time was a collective sigh of relief that nobody would be forced to ride Russian ever again, except for the already booked rides. Seriously, would you ride Russian stuff to space?)

    LawDog's comments here:

    Part 1 - https://thelawdogfiles.com/2022/09/nordstream.html

    Part 2 - https://thelawdogfiles.com/2022/10/nordstream-ii-electric-instapundit.html

  4. Hersh's entire article is unsubstantiated fairytales, unilaterally and categorically denied, backed up entirely by naked assertion and wild speculation. No sources, no quotes, no admissions of any such things as he alleges. A biography of Bigfoot written by the Easter Bunny would have more credibility. The entire piece is "It happened because I said so! Trust me!" As if wishing made it so. And those are its strong points.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I want to point out that this was not deleted for content. But a failure to read and follow the posting guidelines

    2. it wasn't me... panzer guy


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